
Agile change architecture, organizational design and HR strategy
Horizontal vs. Vertical Structures: How do I establish customer centricity in the structure of an organization or department? How do I compose teams based on strengths around the value chain? What do agilely organized HR teams look like and what skills do they need? Where do agile approaches make sense and where do they not? And how do I teach all of this to my employees? Even better - we include them directly in the conversion... As an Agile Master and systemic organizational developer, I combine the systemic view with large scale agile methods such as SAFe.
Management support and alignment
Friction creates heat? Not always. Workshops and team meetings can be stressful when it comes to initiating change. Keyword resistance: There is often talk of reducing resistance - I think the trick is to keep resistance levels low from the start, or to cleverly use it as the opposing side of a dialogue in change communication. Leadership also means getting support when I would otherwise “get underwater” with my workload. Emotionally, with a presentation, a text, a co-moderation, a person who I trust and who stays by my side and can also explain the other side to me, thus encouraging empathy and clarity. It is important not to lose track and to continually adapt the change roadmap.
Fine-tuning the application process and interview training
I have been working in executive selection since 2011. I learned my trade at the age of 23 in the position of chief physician and managing director. Structured interviews, real appreciative dialogue, the design of highly sensitive follow-up processes or even covert interview processes at C-level on Sundays at airports require the highest level of tact, precision and an attitude that always preserves the personal integrity of everyone involved. In short – you are working with a real professional here. I also supported everyone in the onboarding of international managers in order to facilitate defense mechanisms, mutual “feeling out” and settling into the role and organization.
Individual training series for team and personality development
Of course, there are standard formats in the form of online courses that are a great addition to self-learning. But training is always an opportunity for team development. And so I work with teams as well as with content to strengthen trust, mutual perception and everyone's own professional role. We work out together what the learning goals are and with the employees we work out where we might need to adapt and deepen things along the way. I see remaining adaptable here and basically continuing to work towards the core of the team's development needs and situation as a contribution that keeps the direction but learns from the intelligence of the group. Not every team likes online team games; every live online sequence has a different atmosphere. Dealing with this sensibly and not simply ignoring the nuances of the group is certainly one of my strengths. Learning is emotional and people will better store content that they associate emotionally with.
Introduction of salary ranges, job titles and feedback processes
My sales team just doesn't work together! Collaboration only works if incentive systems support it. It is not uncommon for the best seller to be a very desperate manager with high fluctuation in the team. Are individual superstars scalable? No. Unhealthy power relationships often arise that bind the customer to the successful seller, but not to the company's performance. That’s not how modern sales work. This is just one example where the incentive system plays against company goals - and what should employees do? The comprehensive development of career paths, titles and salary ranges requires the utmost precision - especially the introduction. Of course, labor law issues must also be carefully incorporated here. Employees will only go along with this if they find the new system better and know that feedback processes are fair, transparent and bias-sensitive.